Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Safari Package

21 Day Safari


15 May 2018



This is a wonderful national park this fertile equatorial area is especially scenic, with two lakes connected by a channel overlooked by a high peninsula. You will also find volcanic craters, grassy plains and tropical forests.

Because of this it has one of the highest bio-diversities in the world. Hunting exhibits such as stuffed animals and elephants tusks may still be found decorating some lodges in the park but the emphasis is more on shooting with a camera rather than a gun.

Much of Uganda’s wildlife was poached out 50 years a go, especially elephants, but now the area is protected and elephants numbers are expanded by those fleeing from the Congo where poaching is still a problem. This park is easily the most popular tourist attraction of Uganda. The most attractive feature of Queen Elizabeth National Park are its rich ecosystems which are very diverse in nature.

The park offers a beautiful panoramic view which filled you with awe and reverence at nature’s grandeur. Queen Elizabeth National Park has the famous Ruwenzori Mountains at its back. One can behold incredible craters which have been miraculously carved by nature in the form of green hills. The park also offers spectacular view of the Kazinga water channel. What adds more beauty to this view is the sight of elephants, buffaloes and other forest inhabitants bathing along the water banks.

Not only does it contain nature in its most scared and holy form, but it also claims a very rich cultural history to its name.